
We give offense. We take offense. What should we do about it?

Reflections on offensiveness as a social phenomenon

Author Jethro K Lieberman

Jethro K. Lieberman


This is not a blog about what offends me. It’s about what offends you. And other people. And why. And what to do about it, if anything.

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Offense of the Month

Scary Words, Loud Insults, Crazy Thoughts

Offenses of the Month, Winter-Spring 2024

SA, SA (“Stand Aside, Special Acronym”) or More Adventures in Polysemy

A shout-out to a favorite topic: the snare of the polysemous in the contemplation of the over-squeamish.

This winter the SA at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., was renamed SGA. Whether or not this particular change reflects a broad trend I can’t say, but GWU isn’t the first university

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